2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 film directed by Stanley Kubrick. This movie is a vast departure from other films of his at the time such as Paths of Glory (1957) which was an incredibly violent WW1 movie or Spartacus (1960) which is about gladiators. 2001: A Space Odyssey is much slower and much less violent. The story centers around a crew of astronauts attempting to find man’s origins in space. It is incredibly hard to comprehend, and around 200 audience members walked out of the original premiere because they didn’t understand the plot. The movie features some downright confusing moments, but these help the movie instead of hindering it, giving it an almost Lovecraft feeling that we aren’t, as humans, meant to see what is happening. The film features incredible shots of the stars and chilling performances by the actors, most prominently Douglass Rain who voices the A.I of the spaceship HAL 9000. The film also has an incredible, and sometimes terrifying soundtrack, that could not have been done any better. Overall, I think the movie is one of Kubrick’s best and worth a watch if you haven’t already. I give it a solid 9.3/10.