An Open Letter to the Freshmen about Final Exams

December 1, 2021
Dear Class of 2025,
Hello again, Warriors! Congratulations on the first step of your high school experience! With first semester coming to an end and finals approaching, I would like to share some advice and wisdom with you.
Finals can be a stressful and difficult time. To help with the stress remember to start studying early. Don’t wait until the last minute. Studying for a little bit each day will decrease stress and help with time management.
Don’t forget to tell people when you need help. Studying for finals may not be easy, but it’s harder if you’re doing it alone. If you don’t tell someone you are struggling, no one will ever know. Whether it’s your teacher or a friend, someone is always going to be there to help.
Lastly, don’t study alone! Everyone is taking finals. Find some people to study with. Create a study group. Teamwork makes the dream work. Studying with a group of friends can be an enjoyable time; together we can accomplish anything!
I wish you the best of luck, Class of 2025. You can do anything you put your mind to. Never settle for mediocre. Be the best you. May the Force be with you!
“Don’t study because you need to. Study because knowledge is power. Study because they can never take it away from you. Study because it enhances you. Study because it grows you.” –Anonymous
With Regards,
Senior Tristan Minarik