Goal: Recharge

Goal: Recharge

Lydia Sears

Being on holiday break sounds amazing, but you still want to be productive. There are many different ways to be productive over break, while also recharging your mind and body.

Some things you can do over your break are:

  • Set goals, to make sure you know exactly what you want and need to get done. Consider goals in different areas of your life: academic goals for next semester, wellness goals, and extracurricular goals.
  • Make a schedule for yourself on days you are busy. This is simple, but helps so much to keep yourself on track and focused.

On the other hand, it is also nice to have some relaxing time over break. School can be hard mentally and physically, but  break is a perfect time to reset your body.

  • You can sleep in during break so your body can recharge. During the school year you might go to bed later and later as the year goes on and wake up more and more tired every morning. So, over break try to let your body have at least some extra sleep.
  • It is also important to take a mental break from schoolwork. Without schoolwork to focus on, consider a book you want to read for fun or a hobby you want to work on that you didn’t have time for during the semester
  • This time of year is for family; it is important to enjoy your time with your family, and not be worried about school.

This is a time to give your brain and body a break from the stress! Happy Holidays!