Gratitude Can Change Everything


Sarah Lindstrom

Gratitude fills the soul of both the person showing it and the person receiving it. Even the smallest acts of kindness to friends and family can make them feel loved and appreciated. One of my favorite ways to show the ones I love that I am thankful for them is surprising them with coffee or their favorite drink. It is inexpensive, but effective. It is amazing what a small gesture such as that can do for a person’s day. It shows that you care and appreciate them, which everyone loves. This, in turn, fills you up as well because being kind to others makes yourself happy at the same time. Another thing that you could do is just check in on your friends. During this stressful time, every act of kindness is definitely not taken for granted. Life is hard right now and showing others that you care for them can help everyone through this together.

Not only is it important to show others that you care about them, but also to remind yourself of what you are grateful for in your own life. Writing down things you are grateful for each day is a good reminder of all of the amazing things in life. Right now, life is really crazy and sometimes it is hard to not get caught up in that and forget about all of the little things we may take for granted. This strategy is an effective coping mechanism when you might be struggling. You can go back and read the things you are grateful for if you make it a daily habit.

Overall, being grateful and showing gratitude makes life better for everyone, so we should all try to find ways to implement it every day when we can.