An Open Letter to the Senior Class

Bobby Ryan

Dear Class of 2021,

Welcome back to Lincoln-Way West. This year has been unusual and unprecedented. In this ever-changing climate, there are many things which are uncertain. To be back at school is incredible and I hope you all are as grateful for it as I am. Though I wish it were a “normal” school year, we must embrace what we have now and take one step forward at a time. I feel that with this year, there is even more importance in being seniors. With the pandemic, there is much more weight on our shoulders, and we are more than able to set precedent at our school for the younger students. In my eyes, we are the best senior class able to do this task.

Some may be wondering what there is to look forward to. In my eyes, I am looking forward to the possibilities of the social events in spring. Football games, prom/social, and much more. Even without social events now, there are still ways to have fun: meditating, working out, or hanging out with friends. You can improve your mental health and take care of yourself. In today’s society, mental health is as important than ever. If you haven’t been able to take care of your mental health, never be afraid to reach out to your counselor, parents, or friends. With these ever changing times, we must be malleable and set precedent for all other students, showing that we are able to triumph anything when together.

Yours Truly, Bobby Ryan
Senior Class President