The Impact of EAC


What is EAC? The Environmental Action Club (EAC) is a club where you could help save the environment and experience the importance of how little actions could make a huge impact.

As you stroll through your neighborhood or taking a walk to a park, stop for a moment to bask in the sun and appreciate your surroundings. Nature is what makes the earth beautiful. However, environmental changes, such as litter and pollution, could affect the earth. EAC club, sponsored by Mrs. Liddle, takes part in fundraisers to help the environment. Along with field trips about experiencing nature, EAC picks up recycling weekly so the recycling isn’t thrown away as trash.

The earth is getting more and more plagued by waste and pollution. But with small actions like throwing away your plastic bottle in the recycling bin or conserving water, you’re helping make an impact on the environment. The next time you finish your plastic bottle of water or soda can, think and recycle it.