Kindness Counts


Natalie Klosowski

Remember, everyone is experiencing a lot of stress at this time of year, so choose to be kind.

Ways to show kindness:

  • Smile–whether you know the person or not
  • Offer compliments to others–it might just make their day
  • Hold a door open for someone

  • Let someone go ahead of or in front of you
  • Listen to those around you 
  • Initiate the idea of a study session–either with friends or with classmates you may want to get to know better
  • Bring a snack or treat to share

  • Offer to carry something for someone with a lot on their hands
  • Lend a hand at home by doing a load of laundry, emptying the dishwasher, playing with younger siblings, or planning dinner

Remind yourself that your act of kindness, no matter how small it may seem, can make all the difference to someone else.