Battle of the Brains: Scholastic Bowl

Alyssa Drynan

“Most types of this shape have a line passing through the Exeter point, the nine point circle center, and several other points; that line passing through this shape is named Euler. What is this shape?”

If you didn’t know the answer (a plane triangle), come to Scholastic Bowl to learn all kinds of crazy trivia. Scholastic Bowl offers a little bit of competition and a lot of fun. Whether you are a freshman or a senior this is the club for you. We meet every Wednesday after school in B230 until about 3:30. Practices consist of mock meets and some awesome pop culture games. We compete against other schools in a variety of area districts. The questions mainly come from NAQT the national academic quiz tournament. There is a JV team and a varsity team but during matches both teams separate and compete at the same time against multiple schools.

So far we have had a novice meet for the newcomers to get used to the surroundings, and we went to Andrew High School for our first all-team meet. The teams have competed in six SWSC (Southwest Suburban Conference) matches. Leading the team in tossups on varsity is Jackson Loftus with thirteen tossups.  Top scorers for the Fresh-Soph team are Sam Fromer (11 tossups), Danny Heise (9 tossups) and Nolan Adam (8 tossups).

If you love answering questions under pressure against other people who also love trivia then you are the perfect person for our team.